Thursday, January 22, 2015

Business Ideas

My first business idea is to create a gaming company, with its first project being
to create a retro role playing game in the style of the 16 bit era classics such as Final
Fantasy 4, Final Fantasy 6, and Chrono Trigger.  In recent years companies have shy'd away
from creating rpg's in this style in favor of attempting to draw people in with games that
current generation gamers think look nice, but spend so much time doing so the overall
story and characters are bland and boring.  I think there is a large market for this retro
style of rpg because of the success of Square Enix's "Bravely Default", which was their
first new retro final fantasy style rpg since the original final fantasy 6 on SNES.
I watch quite a bit of anime in my spare time, and what I've noticed over the
years is that a good amount of it is never translated into English for American audiences
in either Japanese audio English subbed or English audio formats.  There are a lot of
sites that currently stream anime, but many of them do so without the consent of the
copyright owners, and can end up in some legal trouble with take down notices on the
copyrighted content.  I propose to create a company that works with the Japanese publishers
on making official English subbed versions of their anime to either host on a site we
create or on their own site.  The audience for Japanese audio English subbed is very large
here in America, with many fans (myself included) refusing to watch the English audio
translations of anything besides ones from their childhood that possibly sparked their
interest in anime.  Besides English subs, the market for European languages is large as
My last idea is to create a gaming news website.  Currently there are a few large
gaming news sites, and most of them have a similar content, with the differenciating
factor being the quality of writing.  Many of the large sites (Kotaku for example) rush to
put out a story, and often do so without simple grammar and spell checks being done before
publishing a story to their site, while others (the Escapist) take the time to ensure the
quality of the writing before publishing stories, but aren't worried about doing immediate
up to date news, instead prefering to write detailed articles that are (in my opinion)
actually worth reading.  I enjoy informative writing, and would like to make a website
about getting detailed informative stories out to the public in a quick manor, so in a
sense attempting to blend the two styles together.  I feel there is a large enough market
to support this style of journalism, since both the quick bare bones style of Kotaku and
the slower informative style of the Escapist are hugely successful.

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